Hello & welcome,
If you are having pain in erupting wisdom tooth or third molar, this is usually normal finding among most of the individuals and this condition resolves on its own.
But as you said, your wisdom tooth seems cutting the cheek or buccal mucosa ,then clinical intervention becomes necessary.
This is seen if wisdom tooth is not in proper alignment as rest of the teeth in oral cavity. Condition is further worsened if the cusps of partially erupted third molars are sharp and have contacts with the buccal mucosa.
Such teeth carry more chances of getting infected by allowing food debris to accumulate in the overlying flap. This may even lead to development of
trismus following infection.
Always maintain good
oral hygiene by means of proper brushing techniques which is absolutely essential to prevent development of infection.
Visit your
dentist, get an x-ray done for the same tooth. If there is not enough space in the oral cavity to accommodate the third molar, or if third molar has become decayed or is aligned in extremely inclined position in the lower arch, then you can opt to get the tooth extracted surgically.
Removing the third molar if it becomes necessary will definitely solve the issue. But this will be decided on the radio-graphical findings & your dentist's precision.
Take care.