I am a 60 year old woman, non-smoker, normal weight, normal blood pressure , yearly labs all good. I am also physically active, playing a lot of golf and typically walking the golf course. The only thing of note in my medical history is worsening spondylosis and chronic patellar subluxation , although this hasn t happened in some years. Recently, I have been having problems with chronic rib dislocation. At first, it was just when I would bend a certain way or exert any kind of pressure against the rib cage. Now something as innocuous as taking a deep breath can cause it to happen. Between the rib pain and the lower back pain , it s starting to affect my quality of life. I am exercising to strengthen the muscles around my chest wall and have done exercises all of my life to compensate for my bad knees but the pain is so severe, climbing steps and even pushing around a vacuum cleaner are sometimes out of the question. My question is, can anything be done? Is it even worth going to my family doctor? I don t want to be patted on the head, given a prescription for Prednisone and a pain pill and sent on my way. I did try chiropractic treatment and felt worse afterwards. I want to know if there is any kind of treatment for this other than treating the symptoms. Thank you.