Hello Doc, we have received the x-ray result of my 4-year old nephew and I need to know if there is danger on the findings. According to its chest PA view there are hazy densities in both perihilar and right paracardiac areas, a hilar nodularity is noted, there is fullness of the left hilar area, the trachea is midline, the cardiac silhouette is not transversely enlarged, intact retrocardiac and retrosternal spaces, both costophrenic sulci are sharply outlined, the diaphragm is smooth, and the rest of the visualized soft tissues and osseous structures appear unremarkable. The impressions are non-specific central pneumonitis , hilar adenopathy, primary koch s infection is considered. I ve done my research that my nephew had Tuberculosis , yet I want to know if there is still that we don t know. Thank you Doc and I truly appreciate your help.