hi dr
i am not sure how severe your husbands symptoms are
lets face it
the most definitive treatment for this is surgery
but i would never suggest that as the first line treatment
unless the symptoms are exceedingly troublesome
what you could try is
a. regular lumbar exercises
b. avoid lifting heavy weights and bending forwards
c. maintaining your posture as you sit in a chair (anaysis)
d. lumbar belt would help you
e. tablet methycobalamin once a day (its a special vit B that helps he nerves)
f. tablet
pregabalin 50 mg once daily. it can cause
drowsiness and
vertigo. if that does not happen, you can step up the dose every 15 days (25 mg at a time) till a dose of 150 mg twice daily
frankly i would suggest you meet a physiotherapist too
they can really help
but meet an orthopedician before that
i am sorry to be of so limited help
but online help literally rules out examination
hope this helped
best of luck