1. since you are on NSAIDs [non steroidal drugs], which can cause hidden bleeding [occult blood] thus it is necessary to go for gastroscopy for gastritis [worms, ulcer, H. pylori infection] and colonoscopy for any
rectal bleeding (piles, malignancy)], in the mean time you can check with Stool examination for presence of any occult blood.
2. moreover NSAIDs are irreversible inhibitors of TXA2, which are synthesized by the platelets, thus they interferes with platelet aggregation and prolongs
bleeding time and also decreases synthesis of clotting factor in liver and predisposes to bleeding [can be prevented by prophylactic vitamin K therapy] check with Bleeding Time [BT] and Clotting Time [CT]
3. any associated condition like peptic ulcer,so gastroscopy will check any APD [acid peptic disorders] hypertension, congestive
heart failure,
renal insufficiency and hemostatic disorders are aggravated by use of NSAIDs, your attending Doctor will rule out the same.
. In the absence of formal guidelines, the presence of symptoms, anemia or risk factors for
gastric cancer will influence this decision.