Last night I went to bed, and within a few minutes I felt an almost flush feeling in my ear. I got up to look in the mirror and had blood running down the side of my face coming from my ear. I tried to clean it and soaked up approx. 10-15 q tips, before it seemed to be clean. Went back to bed within 5 minutes it happened again, mire blood running from ear. If I put a q tip in my ear now there is still some bood but not as much as before. I haven t had any injury, haven t been exposed to loud noise, no flights, scuba, swimming or other pressure or temp changes. Was not picking or cleaning it, and only used q tips after it started bleeding.Also no pain, although now does feel a bit like I have been swimming and got water in my ear but I haven t. Any idea what might be causing this? Thank you in advance for an help -Maggie