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Article Home Children's Health Amniotic Band Syndrome

Amniotic Band Syndrome

It is also called as constriction band syndrome. It is set of congenital birth defects caused by entrapment of fetal parts usually a limb or digits in fibrous amniotic bands while in the uterus.

It is also known as amniotic band sequence, streeter dysplasia, congenital bands or rings and amniotic adhesions mutilations. It is associated with club foot, club hands, cleft lip, cleft palate and hemangioma.

It occurs due to partial rupture of amniotic sac. Only amnion is ruptured leaving chorion intact. The fibrous bands of the ruptured amnion float in the amniotic fluid which encircle and trap some part of fetus leading to congenital abnormalities. In some cases there will be natural amputation of a digit or limb may occur before birth or digit or limbs may be necrotic requiring surgical amputation after birth.

Constriction of appendages by amniotic bands may result in

  • Constriction rings around the digits, arms and legs.
  • Swelling of the extremities distal to the point of constriction (congenital lymphedema).
  • Amputation of digits arms and legs (congenital amputation).


These are very tiny bands and difficult to see in ultrasound scan.
