Usually the gall baldder is reomoved along with the gall stones because if left behind it can cause recurrence of gall stones.
Open method
This is the conventional method wherein the surgeon removes the gallbladder through a single, large incision in the abdomen. Done under general anesthesia and surgery lasts for 1 to 2 hours.
Laparoscopic method
In this method the surgeon removes the gall bladder through several small incisions in the abdomen. It is also done under general anasthesia and lasts for around 2 hours. Before the procedure one has to undergo intraoperative cholangiography to know the precise anatomy of bile ducts. It has the advantages over open method like decreased bleeding, decreased risk of infection and shortened hospital stay.
Absolute indications of Open method over Laparoscopic method
Some of the rare complications of cholecystectomy include
Bile leakage
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is safe and effective. Surgery gets rid of gall stones within the gall bladder while it does not remove stones in the common bile duct. There is a very rare risk of gallstones being formed in the common bile duct years after the gallbladder is removed.