Ingredients of tooth paste
Abrasive agents: Silica compounds responsible for the abrasive action on particles and food stains on teeth besides polishing the tooth surface
Antiseptic agent: Like Xylitol or Triclosan which inhibits the plaque formation in oral cavity
Humectants- Prevents the drying up of tooth paste
Fluoride: Prevent cavities, makes the teeth stronger, and also remove the yellow plaques over the teeth
Sweetening agent: Saccharine sodium
Binding agent
Not to swallow tooth paste, as this can cause fluoride toxicity, especially in kids.
Don’t use tooth paste for pimples or zits excessively.
Should brush for 2-3 minutes’, brushing vigorously for long duration does more harm than good.
Amount of tooth paste: Should be about size of pea.
People generally take their decision making on the attractiveness of the color and design.
The basic function of a toothbrush is to reach and efficiently clean most areas of the teeth properly.
A soft bristled tooth brush is good compared hard bristles, as hard bristles causes’ gingival recession.
Soft bristles are more flexible, clean beneath the gingival margin and do not damage the gums also.
Handle should be comfortable (gripping).
The shape of the neck or handle does not play any significant role in improving the effectiveness of a tooth brush.
Powered tooth brushes (electric tooth brushes) have no special advantages over the manual ones.
Powered tooth brushes should be used for handicapped or bedridden patients, children and patients lacking fine motor skills.
Replaced every 3 months or when the bristles start to wear
Need to replace the toothbrush after flu, sore throat or mouth infection. The microbes can accumulate on the brush leading to reinfection.