My journey into the world of Ayurveda and Nadi Pariksha began in 2005 when I was with Dr. Lokesh Raturi, senior consultant at The Art of Living. This experience left me with a brand that never fades. Dr. Laturi was able to simply touch my pulse even the smallest health issues I faced. It seemed he could see in the cloth of my being. This encounter sparked a deep curiosity in me to further study the science of Nadi Pariksha and Ayurvedic.
What is Nadi Pariksha?
Nadi Pariksha or Pulse Diagnosis is an old Ayurvedic technique that evaluates subtle vibrations of the pulse to determine an individual's physical, mental and emotional health status. According to Rishi Agasthya Nadi is not mere Pulse but if you can play it like a Veena that you could discover the secrets what this body want to reveal . This practice is rooted in the understanding that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, controlled by the balance of three doshavatas, the pitta and kapas and the balance of five elements ( Pacha Bootha, Water , Air , Earth , Ether and Space)
It is assumed that the pulse contains these elements and the impression of the dosha, and experienced Nadi Pariksha practitioners identify imbalances, illnesses, and even emotional states. You can decipher this information to do so. It is an overall approach that deals with the subtle layers of mind and mind beyond the body.
Travel to Nadi Pariksha
After my first consultation with the doctor, I began to dive into the study of Ayurveda and Nadi Pariksha. I started with simpler texts like Ayurveda Simplified by Dr Nisha Manikantan. It provided a basic understanding of the principles of Ayurveda. However, when I challenged more complicated texts such as Ashtanga Hridyam, Yoga Ratnakara, Sharangadhara Samhita, Bhava Prakasha, and others, I dealt with concepts that felt like "a bouncer ball from high bowlers to short hits." However,
Over time, the points began to connect. I began to see the complex interactions, elements, and subtle energy in the body of doshas. One of the deepest knowledge during this trip was the contributions of figures such as Agasthya Muni and Ravan’s contribution to Ayurveda and Nadi Pariksha. Ravan, often portrayed as a villain, was actually a great scholar and contribution to these old sciences. This revelation questioned my perception and made it clear to me that life is not black and white. We are all shades of grey.
The Power of Nadi Pariksha in Modern Health Care
One of the most persuasive aspects of Nadi Pariksha diagnoses subtle imbalances that often overlook modern diagnostic tools. It's ability. At an online seminar, I organized with differential diagnosis due to the association of Nadi Pariksha. A compelling case study, Presented by Dr Shilpa Benade Senior Nadi pariksha Consultant in Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
A patient from a sales background who often drove motorcycles came to her with severe pain in lower back. Traditional Ayurvedic diagnosis can go for VATA treatment protocols , but during Dr. Benad’s Nadi Pariksha she had encountered Serious Pitta imbalance and she continued her protocol with Detoxification techniques like Virechana . After the detox the patient's lower back pain disappeared completely. In this case, I emphasized how important it is to understand the subtle aspects of the body and mind, rather than relying on general assumptions.
Ayurveda: Chemistry and Physics However, my experience is that understanding the body and mind from the perspective of physics, which is considered a dynamic interaction of energy and elements, achieves much better results. It shows you can.
For example, on Fertile Topics, I observed a common pattern, Despite all medical tests that showed normal results, male partners often had a constitution dominated by Kapha, whereas partners had a constitution governing Pitta. I hypothesized that sperm that has migrated from the cold (Kapha) to the hot (Pitta) body is unlikely to survive. The results were surprising through the recommendations for detoxification to cool the body and has proven to be extremely effective.
The decline of intuitive healing
One of the most important challenges in modern Ayurveda is the decline in the intuitive healing skills of practitioners. In the past, Vaidyas (Ayurvedic doctors) were not mere doctors, but also healers and saints who were able to perceive the subtle energy of the body. I remember an old Visha Vaidia (specialist in snake venom) from my childhood. This older woman from the 90s picked herbs from her lawn by afternoon, and in the evening someone will arrive snake bite and treatments. Which means she knew in advance which person would get snake bite.
This connection between intuition and nature is rare today. Vaidya's own musculoskeletal (health) is often affected, leading to a lack of intuitive skills. Few institutions work to revive this old wisdom by training Nadi Pariksha Vaidya, who possess both intuitive and analytical skills.
Nadi Pariksha is more than just a diagnostic tool. It is a window of subtle dimensions of the human body and human mind. It bridges the gap between physical and metaphysical language and provides a holistic approach to health and wells. As we move forward in the modern world, it is important to integrate old science wisdoms such as Ayurveda and Nadi Pariksha into modern health practices. This way, you can create systems that not only heal the body, but beyond the gross body.