It is a chronic disease so a patient can have symptom free disease duration which may last for several years. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a progressive disease which leads to gradual destruction of the body joints involved resulting in altered functional capability of that joint. The disease more commonly affects female sex; it’s three times more common in females as compared to males
Morning stiffness of the joints involved which may last for few hours
Disease affects body joints in a symmetrical manner i.e. both side joints are affected
Sometimes joint stiffness may occur after inactivity
Affected joints are typically swollen, red and puffy along with moderate to severe pain
Some patients do have nodules beneath the skin known as Rheumatoid nodules
Spells of fever
Weight loss
Joints are painful to touch
Dry mouth
Loss of apetite
Joint deformity
Blood vessel inflammation
Lung inflammation
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Blood tests like erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, C Reactive Protein and a Complete Blood Count may be performed
Most people have antibody called Rheumatoid factor in their blood
Some people may demonstrate antinuclear antibody and Citrulline antibody in their blood
Joint fluid examination can be done using Arthrocentesis
X-Ray films can be done and they may be of some help for a doctor to establish a diagnosis
Pain relieving medications i.e. NSAID’S like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Ibuprofen are the first step of therapy to treat pain, inflammation and stiffness of joints. Their side effects include gastric disorders
Opioids can also be used to relieve severe longstanding pain
DMARD’S (Disease Modifying anti Rheumatic drugs) like corticosteroids, sulfasalazine and cyclosporine etc. can be used to treat some advanced cases
TNF (Tumor Necrosis factor) Blockers like etanercept, infliximab etc., are a good option. These drugs are known as biologics and have shown to decrease the pace of the disease. The only limitation with these disease is that they increase the risk of infections as they suppress the immune system of the body
In some case surgeries like total joint replacement, synovium or joint lining replacement can be advised by the doctor