dermatitis is inflammation of the skin of the lower legs caused by
chronic venous insufficiency.Stasis dermatitis occurs in patients with chronic venous insufficiency because blood pools in the legs, causing persistent edema.
Symptoms and Signs
Initially, hyper pigmentation and red-brown discoloration appear
Later, eczematous changes develop and manifest as erythema, scaling, weeping, and crusting, condition can be worsened by worse by bacterial super infection or by contact dermatitis
When stasis dermatitis are inadequately treated, it can progresses to frank skin ulceration, thickened fibrotic skin or a painful indurations
- Chronic venous insufficiency must be adequately treated with leg elevation and compression stockings
- For acute stasis dermatitis (characterized by crusts, exudation, and superficial ulceration), continuous and then intermittent tap water compresses should be applied
- For a weeping lesion, a hydrocolloid dressing may be best
- For less acute dermatitis, a corticosteroid cream or ointment should be applied 3 times a day or incorporated into zinc oxide paste
- Ulcers are best treated with compresses and bland dressings (eg, zinc oxide paste), Colloid-type dressings used under elastic support are more effective than other dressing
- Oral and topical antibiotics are useful for erosions and ulcers
- When edema and inflammation subside, split-thickness skin grafts may be needed for large ulcers.