Insomnia means lack of sleep. It is a common problem. A good sleep in the night is essential for good health. A good sleep helps to control blood pressure,
heart disease and reduce
stress. At least 8 hours of good sleep is necessary every night.
Every day we go to sleep for 7 to 9 hours and nearly one third of our life is spent in sleep. Sleep is divided into two phages
Sleep progress in a cyclic fashion NREM sleep followed by REM sleep
Tips for good sleep
Regular daily physical exercises ( not to do in the evening)
Avoid or minimize day time nap
Maintain a regular time for going to sleep and waking up
Avoid consumption of drinks containing caffeine like coffee, tea, cola, before sleeping hours
Not to watch television or reading while in bed
Avoid fluid and heave meals before going to bed
Avoid regular use of alcohol and never use alcohol for promoting sleep
Sleep in a dark, quite and comfortable environment
Avoid bright colors in the sleeping room
Always brush your teeth, wash face with preferable luke warm water, comb your hair before going to bed.