Dr. Rameshwar Gutte , M.B.B.S., M.D., Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India   View Clinic 

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Contact Details

Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Maharashtra medical council
Years of experience
Patients seen per week
Procedures done per week
Specific Skills and Interests
clinical dermatology. Cosmetology, treatment of acne, pigmentation, hair diseases.
Dermatopathology for accurate diagnosis of skin diseases.
Clinic Detail 1
Dr.L.H.Hiranandani Hospital,
Mumbai, Karnataka, India View Clinic  

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
Government medical college, Nanded, MUHS, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Mumbai,MUHS, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 
Fellowship / Specialty Training
Year of fellowship
Degree earned
Fellow in Diagnostic Dermatology
Fellowship in diagnostic dermatology, Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Mumbai,MUHS, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 

Other Details
1. Won international net-quiz competitions of Archives of Dermatology for the month
of Jan 2009
March 2009
November 2011
2. Won First prize (Prestigious V.R. Mehta award) in Maharashtra state level PG quiz organized by IADVL Maharashtra division in 2010
3. Won the Best E-Paper Award for a case of �adult onset atopic dermatitis with secondary follicular mucinosis with cyclosporine induced spiny follicular hyperkeratosis and hair casts� in National conference of IADVL- Dermacon 2013
4. Won Special appreciation prize for poster of �On granulomatous MF� in National dermatology conference Dermacon 2010 at Lucknow, India
5. Won second prize for poster presentation on �Clinicopathological study of cutaneous cysts� in International symposium of dermatopathology at Bangalore in 2010, India

Selected for scholarship from International Society of Dermatology Global Education Award for upcoming XI International Congress of Dermatology, 2013, Delhi, India
Member IADVL(Indian association of dermatologist, venereologist and leprologist) Member Cosmetic society of India, Member International society of dermatology 
Other professional achievements
Papers presented
1.Presented poster in CUTICON (Maharashtra division) Pune in 2008 on Erythema elevatum diutinum
2. Presented scientific paper on Granulomatous mycosis fungoides with hypohidrosis for A.C. Parikh award at CUTICON 2009 (Maharashtra division)
3. Presented poster on Clinicopathological study of palmoplantar lichen planus in CUTICON 2010 (Maharashtra division)
4. Presented case of Kaposi�s sarcoma at annual meet of KEM hospital, Bombay in 2008.
5. Presented poster on two cases of acrosyringeal lichen planus of palm, CUTICON-2012 (Maharashtra division)
6. Presented poster on benign epithelioid schwannoma of lip with Homer-Wright rosette like structures, CUTICON-2012 (Maharashtra division)
7.Poster paper on Granulomatous Mycosis Fungoides in National dermatology conference Dermacon 2010 at Lucknow, India
8.Presented Poster on adult onset atopic dermatitis with secondary follicular mucinosis with cyclosporine induced spiny follicular hyperkeratosis and hair casts in National Dermatology Conference Dermacon -2013, Ahmedabad, India
9.Presented �Clinicopathological study of cutaneous cysts� in International symposium of dermatopathology� at Bangalore in 2010, India
10.Presented clinico-epidemiological study of Atopic dermatitis in Indian Society Of Pediatric Dermatology, Annual conference 2007 at Thrisure, Kerala

Participated as a faculty in 1st National Conference on dermoscopy in Seth G S Medical college and KEM hospital on 8th Jan 2012, Mumbai, India and presented a paper on vitiligo versus leprosy under dermoscope.

Books contributed
1.Contributed a chapter on dermoscopic differentiation of evolving vitiligo from hypopigmented patch of leprosy in book on- Dermoscopy in dark skin- Authored
by Dr. Uday Khopkar
2.Palmoplantar lichen planus in Textbook of lichen planus By Dr. Uday Khopkar and Dr. Amit valia
1)A case report on Kaposi�s sarcoma �A presenting manifestation of HIV infection in a heterosexual Indian male in July-August 2009 issue of IJDVL.
2)A case report of Granulomatous mycosis fungoides with hypohidrosis mimicking lepromatous leprosy- IJDVL
3)Extragenital unilateral linear lichen sclerosus in a child � Egyptian dermatology online journal-July-December 2011
4)Childhood granulomatous periorificial dermatitis with extrafacial involvement-A case report. Published in November-December 2011 issue of IJDVL
5)     Isolated unilateral erythema elevatum diutinum- a case report. Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal. Vol2:2011
6)     Granulomatous and eccrinotropic lymphomatoid papulosis- IJDVL- Jan-Feb 2012
7)     Pityriasis rosea- two cases with uncommon presentations of common disease- Egyptian dermatology online journal Vol-2 Dec 2011
8)     Juvenile sclerodermatomyositis- published in case book of dermatology by IADVL
9)     Trichorrhexis nodosa with twenty nail dystrophy- a diagnosis by trichoscopy- published in International journal of trichology July-December 2011
10)     Perforating lichen planus- Letter to editor IJDVL July-august 2011
11)     Vitiligo at distant site following halo nevus of scalp with poliosis- letter to editor IJDVL July-august 2011
12)     Isolated unilateral neutrophilic palisaded and granulomatous dermatitis- published in IJDVL Sept-oct 2011
13)     Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis-A quiz case in IJDVL March 2011
14)     Palisaded and encapsulated neuroma- A quiz case in Indian Dermatology online journal- July-Dec-2011
15)     Cutaneous larva migrans- through the lens in IDOJ Jan-June 2011
16)     Vulval syringomas- a quiz case. Dermatology online journal August 2011
17)     Focal cutaneous mucinosis- a quiz case. IJDVL Jan-Feb 2012
18)     Isolated annular lichen planus of lower lip- published in Dermatology online Journal for Feb 2012
19)     Erythema annulare centrifugum-a quiz case-published online in IDOJ May-June 2012
20)     Extragenital generalized bullous lichen sclerosus- published in volume 2 of case book of dermatology by IADVL
21)     Hyper IgE syndrome with disseminated molluscum contagiosum infection- IJDVL may-june 2012
22)     Lipoid proteinosis- Histopathological characterization of early papulovesicular lesions Indian dermatology online journal may-June 2012
23)     Sebaceous carcinoma of scalp with proliferating trichilemmal cyst- a case report accepted in IDOJ
24)     Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma arising in a giant congenital melanocytic nevus in an adult- a case report with review of literature. Accepted in International Journal of Dermatology
25)     Hypertrophic palmoplantar lichen planus in a child- accepted in Indian J dermatology
26)      Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia with follicular mucinosis- Indian J Dermatology March-April 2013
27)     Unilateral multiple facial angiofibromas- a case report with review of literature. Indian J Dermatology March-April 2013
28)     Behcet�s syndrome in HIV with false positive VDRL mimicking secondary syphilis- accepted in IJSTD & AIDS
29)     Predominant palmoplantar lichen palnus- a diagnostic challenge- accepted as original article in Indian Journal of Dermatology
30)     Granuloma annulare on palms-Clinico-pathological study of seven cases- IJDVL
31)     Acrosyringeal lichen planus of palm- letter to editor- published IJDVL
32)     Carbamazepine induced cutaneous vasculitis-published. Indian dermatology online journal
33)     Adult onset atopic dermatitis with secondary follicular mucinosis and cyclosporine induced spiny follicular hyperkeratosis with hair casts- a first case from India. Indian J Dermatology, May-June 2013
34)     Bullous scabies in an adult- a case report with review of literature-Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal
35)     Follicular hybrid cyst with cutaneous horn-Quiz case-Published in Indian dermatology online journal
36)     Benign epithelioid schwannoma of lip with Homer-Wright rosettes like structures -A quiz case- Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal
37)     Trichostasis spinulosa on back presenting as itchy hair bristles- a quiz case- published in International Journal of Trichology
38)     Unilateral acrosyringeal palmar lichen palnus- a case report Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal
39)     Pseudolymphomatous folliculitis-A distinctive cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology
40)     Progressive cribriform and Zosteriform pigmentation- Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal
41)     Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus-A distinctive variant of trichoblastic carcinoma-Accepted in IJDVL