24 Years Old. What Should I Do To Gain Weight?
Thank you for posting a query.
Really, you are underweight. Your body mass index is approximately 15. Normally, it should be maintained between 20 to 25kg / square meter. According to this, your body weight should be maintained more than 61 kg.
To increase the body weight, you have to take nutritious diet. Among the various dietary supplements, protein is the main thing which can increase your body weight. For this I am giving you some idea about the supplements you can take.
1. Whey protein - it is very much important for building muscles. Take the whey along with oats and olive oil.
It is available in market in many trade names. You can choose any one of them as per your economic condition.
2. Multivitamin medicines containing zinc and other micro-nutrients.
Besides this, you need a good diet plan starting from breakfast to dinner. You should consult with dietician about this.
Lastly, one liver protecting agent like sorbitol should be taken to improve the metabolism of the foods you are taking.
Hope, this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.
Thank you for writing back.
Look, you should consult with your family physician or general physician.
Hope you have your answers.