Question: I have a dear friend who is HIV positive,...undetectable
viral load, 496 t-cell count, and on HART. Things seemed to be going well, however recently he had a terrible
cold, with flu like systems and was treated successfully with IV antibiotics, Within two days, he was back to normal and feeling great. About a week later, he noticed unusual and unexplaned bruising on his lower leg, back, and arm. Of course, we are concerned about
leukemia because his mother passed away from that only two years ago. My question is: Could the bruising be somehow related to the flu that he had? Could this be a side effect of the flu, or the antibiotics used to treat him? Could the flu have caused
low blood platelets which may be the cause for the bruising? He has no
night sweats or loss of weight. His appetite is good. When he brushes his teeth too hard (and he brushes after every meal) occassionally his gums may bleed. He's sleeping well, and doesn't have
swollen lymph nodes or any other physical pains or discomfort. I'm asking this because he was admitted to the hospital for a thorough check-up and blood screening this morning. So,...any other ideas than leukemia on the bruising? Oh, he has also recently received cortiosteroid shots for the relief of pain associated with plantar fascitis? Could
steroids lead to easy bruising? Thanks for your time. XXXX