Getting Pain In Outer Ear. How To Get Relief?
it started like 6 month back ... the frequency was once in blue moon .. but now in winters ... the frequency has increased and time of pain also ... and the area has extended to middle outer portion of ear
Pain localized to the outer ear suggests pathology in the outer ear only. The process may be involving the skin, cartilage or the hair present in the ear canal. Furuncolosis which is an inflammation of the hair roots can cause pain. But that pain is continuous and severe. Other entities which can cause pain in the external ear are impacted wax, fungal infection, etc.
Perichondritis- inflammation of the cartilage can also similar cause pain. Do you have any past history of trauma or previous infection?
A clinical examination of external ear and the ear drum is necessary to make a diagnosis. Kindly consult your ENT specialist for a clinical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.
If you require any further clarification, please let me know. I will be glad to answer.
Dr Shailja P Wahal
Also mwant to mention that earlier when tickling happens .. it goes off immediately just byt rubbing the ear.
Thanks for writing back.
Tickling sensation indicates some kind of deficiency- vitamin B 12 or doctor for clinical examination before resorting to any medication.
Dr Shailja P Wahal