Getting Sharp Pain In Arm And Soreness On Breast. Can This Be Due To Smoking?
Thanks for your query.
Soreness in breast can be due to many causes and since your soreness has persisted for around 2 weeks it is important to get this checked by a surgeon. There can be many causes of soreness and one of the most common is due to fibrocystic disease of the breast, a condition in which there are no definite lumps but lumpiness and there is increase or decrease in pain according to the hormones secreted in the menstrual cycle.
Another cause of soreness is infection which might not be readily apparent unless it is severe when it manifests with severe pain.
Breast cancer can also be associated with soreness.
A self breast examination (SBE) is the initial procedure done by the patient herself and since you have already done this, it would be best if you can get yourself checked by a surgeon as all of the causes which I have mentioned above can be detected by a surgeon on careful clinical examination supplemented with the necessary investigations.
Sharp pains in the arms are mostly unrelated to smoking and might be due to other causes which can be analyzed by your surgeon during the clinical examination.
Please let me know if I can be of any more help.
Wish you all the very best and a prompt recovery from your symptoms.
Dr. Adhikari