Have Congestion, Post Nasal Drip. Sore Throat And Larynx Is Swollen And Hurts When Nose Is Blown. Advise?
Your description is not very clear. Can you please be more elaborate? Please let me know since when you have the symptoms.
You need to stop blowing the nose as it can lead to spread of infection into ears and sinus problems.
Also, Your congestion and post nasal drip can be because of nose and sinus problems including infections or allergies. I suspect you are talking of long standing symptoms of nasal problems including congestion, postnasal drip etc. In that case it is usually allergic; the treatment involves identification of the allergen, avoidance of allergen and treatment against the body's hypersensitive response to these allergens. Keep your surroundings clean, wash and dry your mattresses, beds and pillows often, avoid spicy foods and food stuffs such as sea food which could cause allergic symptoms, avoid exposure to pollen especially early in morning and late evening. It is better if you could get yourself tested with some blood and skin prick tests to identify the exact allergens so that they could be avoided and treated. Also, specific nasal sprays and medicines can be suggested once these tests are done. You will need to XXXXXXX an ENT specialist or an allergist for getting these tests done.
However, I urge you to write back to me with more detailed query; I will answer your query again once you give more descriptions.
Thanks for providing more details. Please continue the medicines you are using. Along with it follow few more steps; I have already mentioned to you about keeping clean surroundings, avoiding pollen and food stuff related issues. Please also do some steam inhalation for couple of days as your symptoms are acute. It is better if you can XXXXXXX an ENT specialist or an allergist for identification of the allergens through skin prick tests and blood tests and then manage accordingly. Avoid blowing the nose. You can take over the counter pain relievers for tackling the acute phase till you can XXXXXXX a doctor.