High Frequency Hearing Loss, Lower Frequency Close To Normal
I have high frequency hearing loss. The lower frequencies are close to normal. I do have a problem understanding people when there is noise in the background, and particularly when I am talking to a woman with a high voice.
4 years ago, I bought the top of the line Widex aids open fit behind the ear aids, but they don't really help in noisy situations, so I rarely use them. I have been told that, recently, there are significant improvements in the open fit, behind the ear aids made my Oticon. These things cost a fortune, so I am reluctant to buy them unless I will have a major improvement in speech when there is a noisy background as in most restaurants.
Anyone have an opinion on the recently designed aids?
Thank you for your query.
1. High frequency hearing loss in the speech frequencies causes lack in clarity of understanding of speech while listening in group situations, while listening to female and children's voices, while listening to the television and so on.
2. Consonant sounds are not heard in the speech. Only vowel sounds are heard. This leads to lack of clarity.
3. You may try various high end hearing aids such as the Oticon Agil, Widex Clear or the Unitron Yuu. These hearing aids have advanced technology such as sound compressibility, enhanced sound intelligibility, directional microphones, special algorithms, fuzzy logic and so on. However, no single hearing aid will provide clarity which is inherent in high frequency hearing loss.
4. You may require the use of Assistive Devices such as hearing loops or telecoils to overcome this difficulty.
5. If you want a specific solution, you may share your latest PTA (Pure Tone Audiogram).
I must emphasize that this is a common problem.
I hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries, I will be available to answer them. Please accept my answer in case you have no follow up queries.