How To Treat Flatulence In An Infant?
Normal for this age
Detailed Answer:
Welcome on this platform
I have read the query and do understand your concern.
Passing stool once in two to three days or 6-8 times a day is normal in this age.
I won't get worried if stool is not very hard(pellet like),mixed with blood or if there is no associated abdominal fullness or bilious vomiting(yellowish or greenish vomitus).
I have few queries like
1)if thyroid test has been done or not
2) If there is history of delayed passage of first stool(black colored meconium) i.e. after 48 hours of life
Hypothyroidism can cause constipation.
Infrequent foul smelling stool with increased flatulence is more common in mix fed, bottle fed or formula fed babies. This is mainly due to increased swallowing of air during feed and prolonged stay of stool in intestine(increased fermentation and thus foul smell). Proper burping after each feed and giving feed with katori/spoon helps in decreasing the flatulence. In most of the babies this improves with routine care and no specific treatment is needed.
Also passing urine 10-11 times in a day is normal in this age and this indicates that she is getting adequate amount of fluids.
Hope this is helpful.
I shall be glad to help further if you need any.