Sleeplessness, Less Bowel Movements, Sex Life Not Enjoyable, Leg Pain And Suffocation. What Is The Treatment?
Also feel pains in legs often and makes more tired in night time,getting more weight-app 95kgs and can not run much time as got heavy breath,even when touch my feet,cant stay much longer and feel suffocated.
Wish to knows what treatment, doctor can be best to for consultation.
Thanks for posting your query.
Please do not worry as stress will only aggravate your symptoms. You definitely need to reduce your weight as obesity itself can cause hormonal imbalances and result in fatigue and lowered energy levels.
You need to consult a general physician (an XXXXXXX medicine specialist) or endocrinologist (specialist for obesity, thyroid or other hormonal problems).
The doctor after thorough evaluation of your symptoms may order certain tests like blood counts, lipid and thyroid profiles and blood sugars etc. whichever needed. He can then confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate medication.
Also in the meantime you can consult a nutritionist or dietitian or join a gym for weight management.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Can i find general physician(an XXXXXXX medicine specialist) or endocrinologist in any leading hospitals of Delhi or can be in touch here in healthcaremagic?
Thanks for the follow up.
Your ailment needs to be thoroughly investigated to give it a confirmed diagnostic name. It could be most likely a hormonal imbalance of thyroid (hypothyroidism) or hypercholestrolemia or low blood hemoglobin (anemia ) or any systemic autoimmune illness.
You can definitely consult an XXXXXXX medicine specialist or endocrinologist in any of the leading hospital near your residence in Delhi. You can then ask them to guide you to a nutritionist if needed for weight loss through diet.
I would advise you consult an experienced XXXXXXX medicine specialist first since he has a wider scope of management. If in the course of treatment he feels it necessary he can refer you to a good endocrinologist.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please press the accept button in case you have no further we queries.
Wishing you speedy recovery.
Thanks for the follow up.
Yes, of course you can go through the list of specialist doctors on this site especially endocrinologist and ask a query to the particular doctor through ask a specialist application. I assure you that all doctors are very competent and will be glad to help you clear any doubts in future.