Suffer Irregular Periods. Prescribed Jasmine Pill. Having Breast Pain. Taking Progyluton. Suggestions?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Progyluton is ideally prescribed for regulating the cycles, as it contains the hormones in a manner that is identical to those produced during the menstrual cycle in a female.
Jasmine also is similar, however it does contain lower level of estrogen.
In the long run, taking Progyluton for long is not advisable, due to high estrogen content.
You can take it for 2 - 3 months, and then switch back to Jasmine.
Or you can continue taking Jasmine.
You should have clinical examination of the breast by a gynecologist, and breast discomfort is a common side effect of the pills.
You can take a 2 - 3 month break from the pills and then restart, that is also a good option.
Regarding irregular cycles, I hope you have been fully investigated for the causes.
You should have the following blood tests -
FSH and LH on day 2 of your cycle, TSH, Prolactin, Serum free testosterone, DHEAS, oral glucose tolerance test, lipid profile and baseline transvaginal pelvic ultrasound.
Polycystic ovaries, endometrial hyperplasia are common causes of irregular cycles.
If polycystic ovarian syndrome is the cause, then apart from oral contraceptive pills, other medications such as Metformin can also help you.
If you are overweight, then reducing your weight by even 5 % will dramatically improve your cycles.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.