Suggest Treatment For HA-MRSA Infection
Im connected with sport !
So I’m in risk of CA MRSA colonization and infection, but I’m healthy and follow my health !!
As I was visiting infectalogist, he said I should not be worried about, because I m well educated, and if I got it I will go to doctor and star treatment early !!!
If I get CA MRSA with PSM or PVL
And go to doctor after early symptoms soon as possible in first 48 h – would I be hospitalized? or I could be treated at home ? Or every case are individual, and it depends how big is infected wound and how easy is treatment.
How often % people with PSM and PVL skin infection is hospitalized ? I remember you once told me that people with huge skin infection need hospitalization to avoid spread of infection to invasive !!
There is case when
Soldier where followed for CA MRSA for period of 8 weeks and 38 % of those who had CA MRSA colonized developed MRSA skin infection !
And from 9 – 6 needed hospitalization for CA MRSA skin infection treatment
At the initial sampling, 24 of the participants (3%) were colonized with CA-MRSA, 9 of whom (38%) developed soft-tissue infections during the study period. In contrast, 229 participants (28%) were colonized with methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), 8 (3%) of whom developed clinical infections during the same period (relative risk, 10.7; 95% confidence interval, 4.6-25.2; P<.001). At follow-up culture, the CA-MRSA colonization rate dropped to 1.6% without eradication efforts. Previous antibiotic use was a risk factor for CA-MRSA colonization at the initial sampling (P=.03). PVL genes were detected in 66% of 45 recovered CA-MRSA isolates, including all 9 clinical isolates available for analysis. Of subjects hospitalized, 5 of 6 had PVL-positive CA-MRSA infections.
CA-MRSA colonization with PVL-positive strains was associated with a significant risk of soft-tissue infection, suggesting that CA-MRSA may be more virulent than MSSA. Previous antibiotic use may play a role in CA-MRSA colonization
So I understand that rather often CA MRSA skin infection need hospitalization – or this case is individual ?
So if I get in hospital for CA MRSA skin infection treatment, I m hospitalized, I understand I can get HA MRSA. But if I’m not very sick I could get HA MRSA skin infection ?
Because I know people who are very sick usually get in hospital, for example in intensive care units, invasive HA MRSA.
As in % more in hospital are invasive HA MRSA, because people are sick and weak immune system.
So my question – if I get hospitalized with CA MRSA skin infection, could I get in hospital HA MRSA invasive infection? Or if I m in good XXXXXXX – I will develop HA MRSA skin infection that could be treated ?
Thank you for your kind words sir
Detailed Answer:
Hi sir.
Thanks for your kind words.
Each case is different and it mainly depends on the severity of your infection at that point in time. If only oral antibiotics will suffice if it is a simple non-complicated infection; but if it is a little more serious then the doctors will choose to isolate you and also treat you with intravenous antibiotics.
Yes, this is an individual case, but it is true that most of the individuals do require hospitalization.
In majority of cases, patients with CA MRSA are taken special care of and even isolated in their wards. So unless you are admitted into a really poorly maintained hospital (usually rural government hospitals), you will not get HA MRSA. Above that, you are well educated as your doctor mentioned so you will get admitted into a good hospital and also know that your health care is poor if you see it.
HA MRSA is unlikely for you sir, I am sure you are more than smart enough to know and avoid it sir.
Best wishes.