Suggest Treatment For Pain And Pressure In The Ear
Inner or outer ear process to be distiguished
Detailed Answer:
Dear patient,
ear pain generally can be caused by 2 main locations:
1.) Fluid in inner ear due to clocked "tube" (inner ear canal that connects inner ear with throat). This can be caused by allergies and infections (called otitis media), mostly viral. Here the most important therapy is the anticongestant nasal spray like xylometazolin or similar, also ibuprofene or pseudoephedrin can help to reduce the swelling, help the liquid to be reduced. Sometimes, in case of bacterial infection, antibiotis are necessary. Mkae sure when applying nasal spray or drops to put your head alll the way back so it reaches in deep enough.
2.) Infection of the outer ear (otitis externa), this gets treated with antibiotic ear drops.
So if nasal spray and allergy pills do not help so far within a week, i would usually do an otoskopy to distinguish where the pain really comes from to get the appropriate treatment (can be done by gp or ent).
Hope this is helping you , if you have any clarificatons you can get back to me, if this was helpful please kindly rate my answer. Best regards