Suggest Ways To Lose Weight While Having Hypothyroidism
I am 29 years of age. My height is 5 feet 6 inches.My weight is 70kgs. I have hypothyroidism.I do walk a lot everyday.Still not able to loose weight.What is the best possible way to reduce extra kgs.
diet is very important part
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
You would need to make sure that your thyroid levels are normal because low levels can affect your weight loss.
Exercise is very important so it is good that you have a brisk walk daily. It has to be as quick as you are able.
Though exercise is a very important part of weight loss, diet changes are even more important.
It is possible or easier to lose weight with diet changes on their own even if there is no exercise (though exercise should be done)
There are different diet plans available , it would be best to choose one that would be easier for you to stick to.
The main ones are low fat/low calorie and low carbohydrates.
There are meal plans and meals available online with either of these diets.
The low carb is usually associated with the faster initial weight loss.
Most of the others are variations of this.
In addition to choosing one of these plans, you should consider also using meal replacement.
This means replacing one or two of your daily meals with a weight loss meal replacement. This has been found to be very helpful with weight loss.
A food diary so that you can track the food or drinks that you are using would also be essential.
So you would use a diet that best suits you and use along with a meal replacement as well.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
low fat/low calorie may be better
Detailed Answer:
Sorry about the delayed reply
You can consider the low calorie/low fat option. This may be easier than the low carb diet which requires a high level of protein
A search of low fat/low calorie vegetarian diets for weight loss brings up a lot of potential recipes but you may be able to get clearer guidance from a nutritionist or dietician
Some of the recipes seen on one site where for bean burgers, bean bolegnese, veg lasagna, veg pizza
In general you would need to use low fat food- low fat milk, yogurt, cheese, butter etc, all low fat options
Set a daily calorie goal -there are online weight loss sites (just put in calories to lose weight in search engine) that can tell you how much daily calories to lose weight
When you know how much calories you can take daily ,stick to this. Would need to able to approximate how many calorie with each meal. There are also online calorie counters that can do this for you
Eliminate sodas and other high calories drinks- use water instead