Ultrasound And Blood Test Done. What Does The Reports Says? Should I Be Concerned?
Welcome and thanks for the query
FSH is follicle stimulating hormone and it is measured on 3rd day of menstrual cycle , if levels are below 6 means excellent , if between 6-9 means good result.LH is lutenizing hormone and on day 3 of the cycle it should be less than 6-7 mIu /ml and levels rise before LH surge or before ovulation.The FSH /LH ratio is a good indicator of PCOD . If it is above 1:1 , it indicates PCOD.E2 is estradiol and the levels vary from 3rd day of cycle to LH surge , they are 100-200 pg /ml.PROG is progesterone and if done on 3rd day it is less than 1.5 ng/ml and levels increase in the post ovulatory cycle.As you have not mentioned the day of cycle when the tests were done so it is very difficult to predict the diagnosis.You are having peripheral follicles which may indicate PCOD but polycystic ovary is not necessarily the indication of PCOD.More than 30%women with PCOD do not have polycystic ovaries as a sign.
There are other factors which determine the disease like delayed periods , weight gain , insulin resistance , raised LH levels , raised testosterone etc etc.
As you have not mentioned the menstrual day of your scan so it is very difficult to predict anything so it is better if you tell me the whole thing in detail.There is no need to worry so just relax.
Best wishes and good luck.
Take care
My BMI is at 31, it is feeling impossible to loose weight and I look 6-7 months pregnant. Have been prescribed Duromine in the past (30mg) which did not help either. I have not had my period in over 6 months and have only had it twice in the last 12 months overall so I cannot calculate a cycle. I am married and have been having unprotected intercourse for 18 months but have not concieved. I also have hair growth on my neck (under my chin) and suffer from acne.
Hope this helps you,
As you are having growth under chin , it must be due to thyroid gland and hypothyroidism is the most common cause of weight gain , infertility as well as PCOD so please get it checked and take treatment for it.
Best wishes