Underwent Dilation And Curretage Procedure. Now Spitting Blood, Have A Cut On Throat. How To Stop Bleeding?
Thanks for the query.
You have provided me with good information.
You have underwent Dilation and Curretage procedure during which there was injury at the back of your throat during intubation.
Normally following intubation, there will some amount of discomfort, pain or bleeding following the procedure. This occurs due to rupture of small capillaries. If you are spitting blood or if you feel the bleeding is continuous, then you will need to bring it to attention to the Physician, so that the bleeding can be arrested using cautery.
If it is minor, it will settle on it's own. In any case, I would suggest you to seek help of your treating physician, who can examine you and put you on necessary treatment.
I hope, I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.