What Causes False Positive Test Result For Barbiturates?
False positive barbiturates test
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Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. I am sorry that you have todd's paresis but it is self resolving post ictal state and hardly takes 48 hours. As far as barbiturate testing is done, i am sure that test is false positive. As you already are on three heavy doses of anticonvulsants false positivity is likely the reason for this.
Here is a list of all the medicines which causes false positive barbiturates test.
Nut shell, there is nothing to worry about. I hope it helps. Just be compliant to the epilepsy meds and stay in touch with your neurologist. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
Well, while part of the reason of asking is to find out if this is common,.. the second reason is to inform some professionals out there (ie. yourselves) that such 'false positives' apparently tend to occur with this particular "formula" of AED's, I feel sorry for the people out there who can lose their jobs because of the fact that they haven't been prescribed barbiturates, but it still shows up in their random, weekly, or whatever drug-tests.
As barbiturates are a well-known street-drug, people like myself would have a hard time explaining why our analysis came out positive, while the various med's we're on don't include such. This not only refers to employment, however; as the police had been involved in my ER/ambulance pick-up, I could have easily been criminally-charged, and convicted, of drug-abuse I don't do; as could others in situations like mine. Thanks, again.
Dont worry, it happens.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for sharing the concern!
But with such prescription, a peron can be made an exception from. Just get an NOC from your doctor for false positive and it should not be a problem.
Rest i understand this first expression you get to have when you face this false positive. There are more confirmatory tests available if need be. But i am sure it wont come to that. Just showing your epilepsy prescription i would work. And even if barbiturates show up in system of an epileptic patient, thats not an abuse. Thats neeed to control manage,ent.
Take care