What Do Blurred Vision, Nausea And Headache After Concussion Indicate?
Had stars in left eye, blurred vision straight after, strong nausea but not sick, headache & very tired.
Visited A&E and they just did movement tests & eye movement tests. They saud i should be fine, just to take paracetomol.
24 hours later, had a sleep, still feel a little tired, kneck is sore like whip lash. Eye socket still tender. Slight headache but no unbereable tight feeling.
My question is, wjat are the risks of brain damage OR possible slow bleeding?
Should i be worried & hiw long for?
Much appreciated,
Chances of brain damage very low.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXXXXX and thanks for using HCM.
I have read your question and understand your concerns.
Symptoms you describe ( nauseous, knocked out for seconds, headaches, general weakness, blurred vision ) are typical ones after a concussion (or functional, but not structural brain damage).
I guess 24 hours passed since, so, the chances that there is or may be a sort of brain damage such contusion or bleeding are very-very low.
Eye socket tenderness may go on for days, but there is no need to worry about it.
In my opinion, in few days you should feel normal.
If these concerns last more than a week, or new symptoms appear ( such vomiting, lethargic, any limbs weakness ), you should be evaluated medically and by brain imaging such CT scan.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Thats great to hear.
When I feel pressure at the side of my head when lying down is this normal. Just worried again about bleeding or pressure caused by trauma?
How long before i can play football/soccer again, I have previously hit my head before (last August jumping into a swimming pool) also & worried about causing damage later in life?
When can I be sure i have not caused any damage, days/weeks? I worry about comas, etc.....
Any in detail reasons would be great, i need in depth as suffer from health anxiety...
If you feel i should have a ct again then please let me know or if this would br a waste of time?
Contact sports after one month free of symptoms.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back XXXXXXX
Pressure related to head position after trauma is a common feature and doesn't mean necessarily that there is a brain damage.
One month without symptoms is necessary to pass before returning to contact sports
In few days, when you get to your normal state as before hitting the head, you may be sure that there are no damages.
I don't see any reason to worry about coma here.
There is no need for a CT scan in this moment.
I think you shouldn't worry much more than necessary, it is probably just a concussion.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
that's great to hear.
Just lastly, if I was to play football next Saturday how high are the risks?
Or is it jusr if I take a bad knock again?
If I am careful could I play?
The reason I ask is a read about putting pressire on your body after a knock out/concussion is damgerous as the brain/body may not habe healed as quick?
Thanks again...
Second impact syndrome is a dangerous condition.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
It is true what you read, a second hit on head ( or second impact syndrome ) may result in serious complications, so, you should avoid contact sports for now, even if you are too careful.
In my opinion, you can play again after one month without symptoms.