What Do The Lab Test Reports Indicate?
My gynecologist advised me to go for FASTING PLASMA GLUCOSE (FPG) and POST LUNCH PLASMA GLUCOSE (PLPG) test for continuous three days those reports are as follows :
DAY I - FPG = 93mg/dl and PLPG = 190 mg/dl
DAY II - FPG = 102 mg/dl and PLPG = 139 mg/dl
DAY III - FPG = 118 mg/dl and PLPG = 175 mg/dl
My questions are :
This much change in all three reports what does it indicates ?
It is risky for me and my baby ?
What treatment shud i need now ? Diet or Insulin or any other medication ?
Do this known as gestational diabetics ? what other side effects it has ?
Gestational Diabetese ,
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to HCM. Thanks for writing to us again with your health query.
It is gestational diabetese , as the levels of blood sugars are consistently on the higher side. It can lead to polyhydramnios that is increase fluid around the baby, large baby which can cause problems during delivery . Usually we manage Gestational diabetese with strict diet control for 2 weeks and if sugar levels are not controlled then we start insulin therapy but in your case sugar levels are too high to give conservative management a shot. If you can manage your diet strictly That is no sweet products for a week then we can give it a try and repeat sugar levels after one week along with glycosylated haemoglobin which will tell us the sugar status for the past 120 days . But my advice to you will be to start Insulin therapy in consultation with your gynaecologist as it needs dose titration with regular blood sugar levels. you can also get a glucometer which will save you daily trips to the path lab . I hope I have helped you . In case of any other query please feel free to write. Regards Dr Manisha Jain OBGY