What Does This Pelvic Scan For IVF Indicate?
Previous discussion refers: my pelvic scan reveals a normal ,anteverted uterus measuring 104mm*94mm*46mm in longitudinal, Tranverse and AP diameters respectively.
no fibroid is seen and the outline is regular. the myometrium is homogeneous in echo texture.
normal pelvic scan
Abdominal scan shows a normal abdominal scan too.
hope this results is good for my IVF
Yes, the ultrasound scan is normal
Detailed Answer:
It is good to hear from you again.
Yes, the ultrasound scan is normal, and there are no fibroids seen.
That is good news, as that means that you can stop worrying about the fibroids.
However, IVF consists of a lot of factors.
Just a normal ultrasound scan cannot guarantee success if IVF.
You have to remember, that even in the best of hands, only 1 in 3 women will have a successful IVF cycle.
Please choose an experienced centre.
Also, there are a lot of other factors.
First is the semen quality of your husband / partner.
Second is your OR ( ovarian reserve ) - ability of your ovaries to produce good quality and number of eggs.
This is assessed mainly by measurement of AMH levels.
What investigations have been done so far in your case ?
Is this your first attempt at pregnancy ?
Would you mind sharing more details please ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Prayers for you too.
Take care.