Welcome to health care magic!
I have read your questions and found that you have three major concerns- fresh blood after passing stools, blood in expectoration and pain radiating from ribs to abdomen.
From my experience of seeing such patients, it seems to be a case of
liver pathology. This might be causing increased pressure in all veins and thereby causing bleeding from
anal canal coming in stools and bleeding in
esophagus, which comes in expectoration. As the blood you pass is fresh red, it is more likely to be coming from lower part of intestines.
The pain which is radiating from under
rib cage to stomach and abdomen suggest that there might be ?
gastritis, lesions in esophagus due to some
injury ( which is causing bleeding ), again due to increased venous pressure. however, this pain may be due to some drug which you might be on, or alcohol consumption.
I would like to know if you take alcohol/ or on any blood thinning medicine like
aspirin etc ., which can cause bleeding sometimes. I know it is worrisome to see blood coming out but I think meeting some spealist will help you very weel as it has been only of small duration.
If I had been at your place , I would visit a spealist and get a check up and relevant investigations to clear the things.
I hope this answers your worry and gives you some direction.
Please feel free to ask any more on this thing.
Dr. Manisha Gopal