You didn't mention the history of contract and sexual relation or other way of getting HIV infection , so I am writing all short term and long terms symptoms.
Approximately 50-70% of infected individuals experience an acute syndrome following primary infection. The acute syndrome follows infection by 3-6 weeks.
These symptoms are :
Fever ,
lymphadenopathy, headache / retro-orbital pain ( behind eyes),arthralgias/myalgias,lethragy/malaise,anorexia/
weight loss, nausea/vomiting/
Erythematous maculopapular rashes, mucocutaneous ulceration ( on tongue and in the mouth).
Long term symptoms are;
1 Weight loss=====1 month
2 Chronic diarrhea===1 month
3 Prolonged fever===1 month
Minor signs
1 Persistent cough for 1 month
2 Generalized pruritic dermatitis
3 Recurrent Herpes Zoster
Oropharyngeal candidiasis 5 Chronic progressive and disseminated Herpes Simplex
6 Generalized lymphadenopathy.
Few of symptoms , you are having so consult a physician and get his opinion or either upload all reports.
Hope this will help you.