Dear Sir, My son now age 9 month,had got Viril Meningitis at the age of 3 months.The Dr advised him MRI.(the Report is following) Now his neck is uncontrole while other mental development is very slow. Multipplanner, multisequential non-contrast MR stydy of brain. Signal void of bony skull is normal. Paranasal sinuses and orbits are clear. Mastoid air cells are normal. 4th ventricle is dilated. Posterior fossa structures are normal. No mass lesion at either CP angle is noted. Basal and peri mesencephalic cisterns are normal. Lateral and 3rd ventricles are dilated. Left lateral ventricle is more dilated as compared to right lateral ventricle. Subtle high signal area is seen in the peri ventricular region bilaterally on T2W images. Cortical sulci are dulated. Bilateral basal ganglia, thalai, pineal region and internal capsules are intact. No evidence of supra or infra tentorial, intra or extra cerebral hematoma , mass effect, oedema or midline shift is noted. Sella appears normal. No tonsillar herniation is noted. Impression: Dilatation of entire ventricular chain predominantly the left lateral ventricle. Subtle high signal area is seen in the peri ventricular region bilaterally on T2W images. Cortical sulci are dilated. Differential should include brain atrophy due to previous intra uterine ischemic or hypoxic insult and leukodystrophies. Clinical correlation is suggested.