I am a 35-year-old Caucasian male. I was diagnosed by a GI specialist with Celiac Disease in December 2007 on the basis of a single mildly elevated anti- gluten antibody blood test; the doc did not order a biopsy . I had a history of GI pains (since youth) and skin complaints since mid-teens, especially on the back of my hands. I found a new GP in Febraury 2008, and he was suspicious of the Dx without a positive biopsy result, so he ordered the biopsy. It came back negative - and only then did my GP inform me that false-positive biopsies do exist, owing to patchiness of the intestinal inflammation characteristic of Celiac Disease. He didn t appear to have the guts to say I ve celiac disease or not. Do I or do I not have celiac disease? My gut pain has vanished since putting on 50 pounds of bodyweight since September 2010, and I am eating wheat nearly everyday; I understand the under-weight are more susceptible to infections and ulcers , so perhaps I was mildly malnourished at 165 pounds. I was 165 pounds for my entire adult life - again, until September 2010 when I began putting on the 50 pounds. Thanks, Rich Toronto, Ontario