Hello, I am a 29 year old female that has been sick since December 2012. I picked up what the Dr. said was to be Bronchitis – Had a lot of flem, really bad coughing, running nose. After about 4 rounds of antibiotics, I finally got rid of the sickness around April 2013. About 3 weeks ago, I became very, very tired to the point where doing any daily task was almost impossible. I knew I was coming down with something, and got a minor bladder infection. Went on antibiotics for that and it cleared right up. Then… the Bronchitis came back, and much worse. I have been in bed for 7 days – My chest is creaking, rattling, I wake up chocking on the flem, bad head ache, ear ache, mucus is some times yellow, and extremely tired. I am on antibiotics again but do not feel better 7 days later. Low fever at times, but mostly normal. Could this just be Bronchitis, or do I have pneumonia? Or something else? I have been sick since December 2012 and only had about a month of relief before I am back again to feeling worse. I am extremely depressed from this and was wondering what your thoughts are. Thank you.