3yr old son had tonsils removed on Feb. 27,about a week ago.two days aftter surgey he ran lil temp of 100.9,chills,since today fever is gone.However,on-ongoing (even while in hospital) he had hot flashes with/NO FEVER every 5-10min,with intermit..chills..thenhot flash..off/on.which has continue since being discharged frm hosp&surgery. &ut while sleeping two days sgo he bagan the herrfic screaming-uncontrollably.start complaing that hands were hurting..he was taken to ER that night, doctors stated it could be him coming down fron the pain meds while in the hospital,having a bad dream night tremorr ,looked into his throat&said throat seems to be healing fine,gave me instruction that is fver comes back or if pain persists call family