Hi and thanks for using this pane for your health worries.
i am very about what you have been experiencing. It can be so annoying when you need to make so many restroom stops in a day.
From your history, I am afraid you could have
diabetes insipidus. This is a condition where you are unable to concentrate urine appropriately and as a result, you urinate a lot, always feel thirsty and dehydrated. This makes you to drink more in order to prevent
dehydration. This seems very classic in your case. The problem is probably the lack of hormone called antidiuretic hormone produced in the
pituitary gland in the brain. Antidiuretic hormone controls that amount of fluid that the kidneys excrete.
The good news is we have treatment for this condition. But before we settle with this diagnosis, you will need to meet and discuss with an
endocrinologist and probably get a few tests to make sure we are very accurate on this.
Hope this helps....and at least provide guidance to you.
In the mean time before visiting the doctor, continue to drink as much as needed to stay well hydrated.
Wish you good health and please feel free to come back to me for more answers.