I have been having severe pain in my right shoulder blade for several days. My chiropractor said it could be gall bladder problems if doesn t improve with the treatment she gave me. Used cold and hot packs all day yesterday along with tylenol. The pain was less this morning, however, there is a pressure between the blades which lets up at times, seemingly connected to much heavy belching. I have had a problem with deep belching for years, I feel pressure in my chest to the point of thinking I m having a heart attack, or very sore spots all over my head, also in that right shoulder blade area(have had problems there for 52 years caused by stress I have always thought). My husband massages me which causes the belching to come from deep inside, once it stops, the tightness and soreness is gone. I have told my doctor & others before him about this, all I get is a look like I have a third eyeball. Could this be attributed to gall bladder problems possibly?