I am a female w/ a female partner. She was diagnosed with Herpes on her mouth. Now she thinks I gave it to her but, I am clean. Prior to the diagnosis she, kissed her sister who had cold sores, then got burned by hot soup, and bit by an insect at the site the sore developed, after performing oral sex w/ me. it got more irritated, i told her that should be normal since it was sore and secretions can do that to a wound. We were both shocked that this wound was diagnosed as herpes when she went in for routine bloodwork-can the diagnosis be wrong and I am sure from researching online she got a cold sore from kissing her sister from the burn and insect bite and it deve;oped into herpes. she also once had cellulitis under her underarm and may have had MRSR (spelling) and I think this could have caused her to have this bacteria still.