Hi, I am a 57 year old female who had a hysterectomy at age 28 due to 2 Class 4 paps. I am an RN and was than employed by the OB-GYN. The doctor suggested it. I have not taken hormone replacements. I have seen 2 doctors in the last 7-8 months, I know I have vaginal dryness but I know bleed when I wipe and burn to open areas. There is a slight itch which I took 2 doses of Diflucan. My girlfriend who is an ER nurse looked today and said it looked like I have cellulitis. It hhas kept me up thru the night and I am very uncomfortable.I have called the Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy md s. None take insurance, it is all self pay, which I can not afford, My daughter is a breat cancer survivor, which is one reason I avoided hormones. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You