First of all, you should repeat the
blood test for beta hcg (as early test may give negative result) & USG lower abdomen to confirm/ exclude intrauterine
In exclusion of pregnancy, other reasons are
ovarian cyst,
hormonal imbalance, stress/ anxiety, thyroid problem, wt gain/extreme loss, irregular eating habits etc. Increased cervical mucus is commonly seen prior to starting of period. If there is no itching/ bad smell, then you have nothing to worry.
Do some investigations to rule out underlying pathology like Thyroid profile, blood sugar & other hormone assay etc. So consult with your doctor and take suggestive measures.
Avoid stress/ anxiety by regular deep breathing or yoga, take healthy diet with
iron supplements, control body wt and maintain genital hygiene properly.
If you need further consultation with me, then you can visit http://www.healthcaremagic.com/doctors/dr-soumen-patra/63326.
Take care yourself.