I had a baby 4 months ago yesterday and have basically been spotting ever since. I had the Mirena IUD placed at my postpartum check up on December 28th. So I assumed that this spotting was usual. Although, it has been very mucus like. I couldn t tell you if I have actually had a period because I have basically been bleeding this entire time. Well about 11 days ago I started bleeding heavier and again it is very mucus like, its not like normal blood. It s thick and just not anything that I am used to. There has been a day or 2 where it will stop, but then it comes back out of no where. I also have had cramping, some nausea , very bloated, and today when I woke up my breasts were pretty tender. I just have not felt right the last week and a half. Should I be worried? Could it be pregnancy?