I have been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia in 2008 and in July had another gastroscopy which showed it had increased to 5cm in size. I was suffering with symptoms such as chest tightness, chest pain , sharp pain on twisting to right side and severe reflex. I was prescribed esomeprazole for the reflux which had helped slightly but I am still getting weird feelings/tightness/pain in my chest and severe sharp pain sometimes. It s located on the left side mainly and sometimes spreads into my arm. I am 22 years old, 11stone, female, ways remained active, non smoker, no history of heart disease, eata relatively healthy. Am concerned although I have had one ECG in accident and emergency and bloods that there is some cardiac origin, that is being ignored despite ECG coming back as normal despite tachycardia as I was panicking at the time. Please could you give me some advice?