Hi, I'm 25, was on the pill (microgynon) from age of 15 and stopped taking it Jan this year as my partner and I would like to have a baby. I had withdrawal bleed 17th Jan. Next bleed was then 20th Feb (5 weeks later) and home ovulation tests indicated that I had ovulated exactly 14days prior. I have not had a period since (now 7 and half weeks) but home pregnancy tests prove negative. Ovulation tests indicated that I ovulated 3 and half weeks ago. I know everyone is different and after coming off the pill can take a while for your cycle to become regular and shouldn't worry this early on and anxiety can delay things further but thought it odd I would have a natural bleed which appeared regular, ie 5 weeks later and 2 weeks from ovulation and that tests suggested that I did ovulate then not have a period after that. None of the females in my family or my partners family have ever had problems conceiving. My partner and I have sex every 2-3days, we don't smoke, eat fairly healthily and drink occasionally only. Everyone I talk to has different experiences obviously, some say it may take a while for the pregnancy hormone to show up but would have thought it'd show up by now if i was pregant? And most people say they've 'felt' pregnant. I feel nothing, literally nothing, no pregnancy symptoms and no real feeling that my period is on its way, just the odd twinge, which other people have said they felt when they were pregnant. Sorry to waffle. I know it's early days and really shouldn't worry but just wanted to hear your thoughts or any suggestions? I cant help worrying, i ache to have a baby!