Hi thanks for your question.
AST and ALT also called as SGOT and SGPT are liver enzymes and are used to assess the condition of liver. Normal value for ALT is 7 to 56 units/lt and normal value for AST is 5 to 40/lt. These are sensitive indicator of
liver damage or injury from different type of diseases. But higher than normal values of theses enzymes should not be automatically equated with liver disease ,for example in
acute viral hepatitis their value may be too high without any actual damage to liver where as in
chronic hepatitis C there may be little increase in their value with substantial liver damage. The common reasons for elevations of these liver enzymes are
fatty liver, diabetes and obesity. Obesity leading to fatty liver might a cause in your case, since your
cholesterol is too high 1208.(normal 200mg/dl).
mean corpuscular volume that is MCV is almost normal.(normal value 80 t0 100).Your MCH that is
mean corpuscular hemoglobin is too much high 131.6 against the normal value of 27 to 32 picograms. Your triglycerides are high 176mg/dl against the normal value of 150 mg /dl.So reason for rejection of health insurance is evident from your test.
Hope this answers your questions.