Hello, my symptoms have lasted for well over a year now. It feels like my ears and the back and sides of my head are full of air or fluid (tremendous pressure). My ears feel like they run like a runny nose (mostly in the mornings). It feels like I m constantly on an airplane. It feels like my hearing is affected. I am constantly dropping my jaw to try and relieve some of the pressure but the relief lasts only seconds. It feels as though I can literally feel the air or fluid filling back up in my ears and head after dropping my jaw. Pressing on the top of my head seems to give temporary relief. A year ago, my family Dr. sent me to an ENT who tested my hearing and said it was fine. He tried oral and nasal steroids, sinus meds., told me to avoid salt & caffeine and finally came to the conclusion that it may be an inner ear problem and that I would just have to try and ignore my symptoms and learn to live with this. The symptoms haven t decreased or gotten any more tolerable. In fact, since then, they ve worsened and there are even more symptoms. Sometimes it feels like something is trying to bust out the top of my scull. Sometimes my focus is off when I need to read something and I noticed my right eye twitches and my upper torso jerks or twitches. I don t feel very dizzy but sometimes confused and nauseas. I see a white light when I close my eyes sometimes that moves like a floater . Not sure if this has anything to do with anything but before the pressure in my head started I had a nasty upper respiratory infection that the ENT thought may have affected my inner ear. Also, I was told that I have disk degenerative disease in my neck a few years back as well as my last physical said I was slight anemic. My blood pressure is usually almost always perfect (120/80). I truly don t want to have to live with this. It s a miserable feeling everyday and lately ALL day. I m going to schedule another appt. with my family Dr. however I dread a bunch of the same (them not finding the problem). There is something wrong. I just want to know what it is and how to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you, -Evelyn