I am a 70-year-old female facing open heart surgery soon. I am taking a lot of medications (Xarelto, Torsemide, Atenolol , Wellbutrin, Synthroid , Gabapentin , Mirapex , Clonazepam , Pravastatin, Uloric...I think that s it...it s enough!) I am experiencing extremely dry mouth and throat not only when I wake up, but all day long. Nothing helps...not even toothpaste and mouthwash for dry mouth. I go to the dentist on a regular basis, so I don t believe a dental problem is the cause...oops, I forgot to mention the thing that is bothering me the most. I don t really know how to describe it, but I accumulate a brownish crusty-type something around my lips, especially in the corners of my mouth. I wake up with it and it continues to form all day long. I am constantly wiping my lips with a tissue to get it off. What could it be?