Hi, I fell down some concrete/metal stairs about a month ago. I had been inebriated at the time so I didn t feel any pain initially. Later that evening, I began to feel sharp pain in my back but (having forgotten about the fall) just chalked it up to my history of carrying a lot of tension in my back (as a violinist). By the end of the week, I was in pain no matter what I did. Sitting, standing, laying down, fetal position-- nothing helped. Hanging myself over the back of a chair (balance point being my middle/low stomach) helped a bit, but otherwise it was intense radiating pain. A relative of my friend with some experience in massage therapy took a look at my back. There was a large hard lump in the lower-middle of my back (among the highest lumbar vertebrae ) that I had thought was just part of my spine (seeing how hard it was) but which she said was definitely not supposed to be there. Massage helped relieve a lot of the pain, but the lump was still there, though smaller. My back remained generally stable during the next week (unless I carried a backpack in which case I would be in immediate intense pain and would remain in pain for the rest of the day). By the end of 7 days, though, the massage had lost its effect and I was in pain again. I received another massage that alleviated pain for about a week before I was in a lot of pain again. Sometimes the pain would just return of its own accord-- always radiating. Sometimes leaving me breathless . In the past 5 days or so, on a few occasions when my back has started hurting, my fingers, hands and arms have started ticking/spasming. Sometimes violently. Decreased some with advil . The lump is still there and pressing it is uncomfortable and gives me a sensation similar to free-falling. Should I go in for an x-ray or do you have an idea of what the injury might be?